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1. Membership is voluntary and without time limit.

2. The clubhouse itself controls the approval of new members. Membership is open to anyone who
has or has had mental illness, unless this person poses a significant and existing threat to
the general safety of the clubhouse community.


3. The members themselves choose how they use the clubhouse and which employees they work with. The
there are no agreements, contracts, schedules or rules intended to bind the members
to participate.


4. All members have the same access to all clubhouse facilities regardless of diagnosis or
functional level.


5. Members themselves may choose to participate in the writing of any document that reflects theirs
participation in the clubhouse. All such documents are signed by both the member and the


6. Members have the right to immediately re-enter the clubhouse community after an extended or
shorter absences unless their return poses a threat to the clubhouse community.


7. The clubhouse provides an effective outreach to members who do not participate, become
isolated in society or hospitalized.



8. All clubhouse meetings are open to both members and employees. There are no formal ones
members-only meetings or formal employee-only meetings where program decisions and
membership issues are discussed.


9. There are enough clubhouse employees to be able to engage the members, but so few
it is impossible for them to fulfill their responsibilities without the commitment of the members.


10. The clubhouse's employees work versatile. All employees share responsibility for employment, housing,
evenings and weekends, holidays and unit work. The employees do not divide their time between the clubhouse and
other major work responsibilities that conflict with the unique relationship between members and


11. The responsibility for the operation of the clubhouse rests with the members and the employees and ultimately on
the clubhouse manager. Central to this responsibility is the involvement of members and employees in all
aspects of clubhouse operations.



12. The clubhouse has its own identity, including its own name, its own email address and its own
phone number.


13. The clubhouse has its own physical space. It is independent from any psychiatric clinics
or institutions and is not affected by other programs. The clubhouse is designed to promote the denar work-oriented day and at the same time be attractive, appropriately sized and convey a sense of respect
and dignity.


14. All clubhouse spaces are available to members and employees. There are no spaces
which are intended for employees only or for members only.



15. The work-oriented day engages members and employees together, side by side, i
operation of the clubhouse. The clubhouse focuses on strengths, talents and abilities, the work-oriented
the day must therefore not include clinics for medication or programs for outpatient care or therapy within
the clubhouse.


16. The work performed in the clubhouse is only work created by the clubhouse within the scope of
the operations and promotion of the clubhouse community. No work for outsiders
or organizations, whether performed for payment or not, is acceptable work in
the clubhouse. Members are not paid for any clubhouse work, nor are there any
engineered reward systems.


17. The clubhouse is open at least five days a week. The work-oriented day corresponds to normal
working hours.


18. The clubhouse is organized into one or more work units, each of which has enough
employees, members and meaningful work to maintain a full and engaging
work oriented day. Unit meetings are held to foster relationships as well as to organize and
plan today's work.


19. All work in the clubhouse is designed to help members regain their self-worth, get one
goals and gain confidence, it is not intended to be job specific training.


20. Members have the opportunity to participate in all work in the clubhouse, including administration,
research, member registration and introduction, outreach, employment, training
and evaluation of employees, public relations, advocacy and evaluation of clubhouse effectiveness.



21. The clubhouse enables its members to return to paid work through
Transitional employment, Employment with support and Independent employment, therefore provides
the clubhouse does not employ members through companies within the business, independent
clubhouse businesses or sheltered workshops. Transitional employment


22. The clubhouse offers its own Transitional Employment program, which guarantees members
opportunities for work in the regular labor market. As a distinctive feature of the clubhouse
program for Transitional Employment, the clubhouse guarantees a replacement for all work if
the member is absent. In addition, the program for transitional employment fulfills the following
basic criteria:

1. The desire to work is the single most important factor in determining the possibility of work.
2. Opportunities for work continue to be available regardless of the success of previous work.3. The members work on the employer's premises.
4. The members receive contractual salary, however at least minimum salary, which is paid directly by
the employer.
5. Transitional employment is established based on a wide range of work opportunities.
6. Transitional positions are part-time and temporary, generally 15 to 20 hours per week and
lasts for six to nine months.
7. The selection and training of members on transitional employment is the responsibility of the clubhouse, not
the employer's.
8. Clubhouse members and employees inform all relevant authorities that handle contributions
to the members about transitional employment.
9. Transitional employment is handled by the clubhouse's employees and members and not by ÖA-
10. There are no temporary jobs within the clubhouse. Transitional employment at a
organization with oversight must be outside the clubhouse premises and meet all
the above criteria. Employment with support and Independent employment


23. The club house offers its own programs for supported employment and independent employment for
to help members obtain, maintain and improve their employment. As a distinguishing feature of
employment with support from the clubhouse, the clubhouse maintains a relationship with the employee
the member and the employer. Members and employees jointly determine the type of support
as desired, how often it should take place and where it should take place.


24. Members working independently continue to have access to all support and opportunities
which the clubhouse offers, including the promotion of rights, help with housing issues, clinical,
legal, financial and personal matters and participation in evening and weekend programs.



25. The clubhouse supports members to achieve their vocational training and education goals by
help them take advantage of educational opportunities in the community. If the clubhouse also provides
an internal training program it makes considerable use of members'
skills in teaching and supervising



26. The clubhouse is located in an area where public access can be guaranteed
means of transport, both to get to and from the clubhouse and to access opportunities to
work. The clubhouse provides or arranges effective alternatives when access to public
means of transport is limited.


27. Support to get in touch with community services is provided by members and staff.
This social support is a central part of the work at the clubhouse units. It includes help with
rights, accommodation and to bring members' cases, promotion of healthy lifestyles and help with
to find quality medical, psychiatric, pharmacological and substance abuse services i


28. The clubhouse offers help, activities and opportunities that are there to help members to
develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


29. The clubhouse is committed to securing a wide choice of safe and decent housing for one
affordable price, including opportunities for independent living for all members. The clubhouse has
access to opportunities that meet these criteria, or if none exist, the clubhouse prepares
its own program for accommodation. Clubhouse programs for residents meet the following basic criteria:


1. Members and staff manage the program together.
2. Members who live there do so of their own free will.
3. Members choose where they want to live and with whom.
4. Policies and procedures are developed in a way that is consistent with the rest of the clubhouse culture.
5. The level of support increases or decreases based on how the member's needs change. 6. Members and
employees actively seek out other members to help them maintain their housing, particularly when
the member is hospitalized.


30. The Clubhouse conducts an objective evaluation of its effectiveness, including the Clubhouse
International accreditation.


31. The clubhouse manager, members, employees and other applicable persons participate in one
comprehensive two- or three-week training program on the clubhouse model at a certified
education house.


32. The clubhouse has leisure programs and social programs in the evenings and weekends. Holidays are celebrated on it
actual holiday.



33. The clubhouse has an independent board, or, if it is tied to a financier as principal, a
independent advisory board made up of people who are in a unique position to provide
support and represent the clubhouse in matters relating to finance, law, legislation, employment development
and societal support.


34. The clubhouse prepares and maintains its own budget, which is approved by the board or supported
by an advisory board, which provides views and recommendations before
the financial year begins, and is regularly monitored during the financial year.35. The employees' salaries are competitive compared to comparable positions in social and
health area.


36. The clubhouse has the support of the applicable health authorities and all necessary permits and
accreditations. The clubhouse collaborates with people and organizations that can increase its
efficiency in the wider society.


37. The clubhouse hosts open forums and has procedures in place to enable members
and employees to actively participate in decision-making, generally through consensus on management,
policy making and the clubhouse's future orientation and development.


Opening hours 

Monday - Thursday  8.00-15.30

Wednesday 8.00-18.30

Friday 8.00-14.15




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